You and Your Body
Your skin and health always responds to what is inside you and what is outside you. Even though the society is trying to curb the pollution and population, it is of the essence that we live in a city.

City life is easy going and there are so many amenities around, like lots of opportunities for getting good jobs, always available MARKET
place, medical facilities and various other factors. This city where you are living is also is polluted and tense. But you keep on compromising with these because of all the amenities and facilities.

Living in such polluted environment is like a torture on our bodies where the smoke is always belching from the vehicles on the roads, so much dust from the new constructions keeping on with the pace of the city, the noise pollution, the chaos. Are we able to take a time off or ourselves?? NO, since there is a huge competition everywhere and hence the work – life balance goes topsy-turvy.
Keeping ourselves away from all the pollutants has become impossible. We don’t even have time to exercise to detoxify our bodies. And all these have started taking a toll on you. Eating right and inhaling right is very important for your body, to keep it healthy and strong. To keep alive so that it can resist the impurities and toxins that you are eating and inhaling daily.
The FOOD YOU EAT: In times today when you have to juggle so many work together, the home, he office, the kids, the boss, the project, the 24 x 7 time schedule with no time for yourself, have you ever noticed what you are eating daily?

With NO TIME for breakfast, you wake up late in the morning, have a cup of coffee and rush for the in the last minute for the meeting that is scheduled. On the way you have a burger from the take away counter or a sandwich from the canteen and you are back to work. For the mid day meal again you are in the canteen for some junk food placed before you in a decorated platter, or as the Indian theme goes , for a thali with all the Indian ingredients which are full of salt, oil and spices. No doubt they are tasty. But have you ever wondered over their nutrition facts?
You have gone to the MARKET
and buy some nice vegetable and fruits. You bring them home and give it to your kids to eat. Sometimes you are also buying offseason fruits and vegetables. Never thought of checking how they are kept fresh for so long, even when they are not available in the season? They are treated with chemicals to keep them fresh so that it should have market value.

You are paying a nice money on these thinking that you are spending your hard EARNED MONEY
on unseasonal fruits. But actually you are paying for the chemicals and pesticides used on these. Even seasonal fruits and vegetables from the farm are full of pesticides and you are eating it. The point is you cannot save yourself from not eating these. You have to survive and you have to eat.

The DRINKS: After the hectic office work , you go out with your friends and hit the bar. You have two bottles of beer or a few pegs of wine and you relax. This is a daily routine. You think, a few pegs of scotch is not going to hurt you much and you are not drunk. You are a non-smoker? Ok.. That’s great but you are living around people who are smokers. Is that not true? After the office hours, during an office gossip, in the Bar, and similar surroundings and so you are a passive smoker now.
Research has established and passive smokers are more in danger and in the firing line for lung cancer than active smokers. Why? That is because you are inhaling the residue of the burning butts. This routine of drink and smoke is making you sick , very sick and you wonder why you keep on getting that nasty cold day in and out.
Even water had become polluted now and although you are using minerals water bottles, the filters and equipments to filter your drinking water daily, it is not always that you are going to get clear water all the time. The mineral water bottles available in the market are not always up to the standard with so many small companies coming up with packaged water daily.
Anyhow, on the way to some destination where you do not have any choice for better and cleaner water arrangement you have to buy those bottles. The plastic bottles are harmful and are carcinogenic themselves. These bottles kept in the small shops everywhere get treated with the heat and the sun rays in the scorching summers. The plastic of these bottle melt (and becomes softer; you will know I you have touched one) and mix with the water. You don’t have a choice. You buy, you drink and you drink the plastic along with it.
But can you avoid drinking water? No, you will have to drink it. It’s for your survival.
Your LIFESTYLE: The lifestyle you lead is also a great contributor to the diseases that inhibit your body and makes you old even before your age. Greying hairs, sagging face, wrinkles, pimples, age spots, hair falling, balding and along with it comes pains in the knees, pain in joints, obesity, crampings. All these are diseases which your grandparents never knew of till they were 60 or 70 ?
You don't have time to exercise, you reach office and gulp down mugs and mugs of coffee and tea.
You are into these diseases even before you have crossed 30. The junk food we eat and the carbonated drinks add to the .... of the body. Our blood which cleans our internal organs automatically is bombarded with these kinds of food and junk material which it is not used to.

The more your blog gets polluted the more you have the diseases attacking you in every way.
Take CARE: The proverb "Time and Tide waits for none" and "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction" are apt for our lifestyle and taking care of your body. YOU are RESPONSIBLE on HOW your BODY reacts. You feel the taste through your taste buds and your body reacts in an equal and opposite way by going obese and bald.

Life is short and to keep it longer YOU need to take care of it in proper time. So that you don't have to go through the rigorous pain and suffering your relatives or your peers are going through.
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