Benefits Of Folic and Iron Plus Capsules
Iron is an essential element for most life on Earth, including human beings.
Iron is needed for a number of highly complex processes that continuously take place on a molecular level and that are indispensable to human life, e.g. the transportation of oxygen around your body!
Iron is required for the production of red blood cells (a process known as haematopoiesis), but it's also part of haemoglobin (that is the pigment of the red blood cells) binding to the oxygen and thus facilitating its transport from the lungs via the arteries to all cells throughout the body.
Once the oxygen is delivered the iron (as part of haemoglobin) binds the carbon dioxide which is then transported back to the lung from where it gets exhaled.
Iron is also involved in the conversion of blood sugar to energy. Metabolic energy is crucial for athletes since it allows muscles to work at their optimum during exercise or when competing.
The production of enzymes (which play a vital role in the production of NEW CELLS
, amino acids, hormones and neurotransmitters) also depends on iron, this aspect becomes crucial during the recovery process from illnesses or following strenuous exercise or competing.

The immune system is dependent on iron for its efficient functioning and physical and mental growth require sufficient iron levels, particularly important in childhood and pregnancy, where the developing baby solely depends on its mother's iron supplies.
Iron is lost by the body through a variety of ways including urination, defecation, sweating, and exfoliating of old skin cells. Bleeding contributes to further loss of iron which is why womenhave a higher demand for iron than men.
If iron stores are low, normal haemoglobin production slows down, which means the transport of oxygen is diminished, resulting in symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, lowered immunity or reduced ability for athletes to keep up with their training programs.
Since our bodies can’t produce iron itself, we need to make sure we consume sufficient amounts of iron as part of our daily diet.
Spatone, natural liquid iron supplement can provide your body’s daily absorbed iron needs whilst being extra gentle on the stomach.
Folic Acid or Vitamin B9:
Folic acid in diet:
Folic acid is a type of B vitamin. It is the man-made (synthetic) form of folate that is found in supplements and added to fortified foods.
Folate is a generic term for both naturally occurring folate found in foods and folic acid.
Folic acid is water-soluble. Water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water. Leftover amounts of the vitamin leave the body through the urine. That means your body does not store folic acid and you need a continuous supply of the vitamin in the foods you eat.
Folate helps tissues grow and cells work. Taking the right amount of folic acid before and during pregnancy helps prevent certain birth defects, including spina bifida. Folate also helps prevent anemia.
Folate deficiency may cause:
· Diarrhea
· Gray hair
· Mouth ulcers
· Peptic ulcer
· Poor growth
· Swollen tongue (glossitis)
It may also lead to certain types of anemias. Folate works along with vitamin B12 and vitamin C to help the body break down, use, and create new proteins. The vitamin helps form red blood cells and produce DNA, the building block of the human body, which carries genetic information.
Folic acid supplements may also be used to treat folic acid deficiency, certain menstrual problems, and leg ulcers.
Food Sources :
Folate occurs naturally in the following foods:
· Dark green leafy vegetables
· Dried beans and peas (legumes)
· Citrus fruits and juices
Fortified means that vitamins have been added to the food. Many foods are now fortified with folic acid, including enriched breads, cereals, flours, corn meals, pastas, rice, and other grain products.
Side Effects:
Too much folic acid usually doesn't cause harm, because the vitamin is regularly removed from the body through urine....
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