Cardio Care
Posted by MG.Silverstar Sibi Vinnarasan.B.Sc on 19:30 with
Benefits of L-Arginine
Posted by MG.Silverstar Sibi Vinnarasan.B.Sc on 16:42 with 5 comments
Benefits of L-Arginine
Heart Benefits:
There are plenty of powerful new drugs to help prevent and treat chronic health problems. But we also know that certain nutrients may help as well. Take arginine, for example. Arginine has gotten lots of attention lately for its potential heart benefits. That's important because, today, about 64 million Americans have some form of cardiovascular disease.
Deficiencies of arginine are rare. It's abundant in many different types of foods, and your body can also make it. Arginine-rich foods include red meat, fish, poultry, wheat germ, grains, nuts and seeds, and dairy products. But what does arginine do for the heart.
Why Do We Need Arginine?
Arginine, also known as L-arginine, is involved in a number of different functions in the body. They include
· Wound healing
· Helping the kidneys remove waste products from the body
· Maintaining immune and hormone function
As a natural dietary supplement, arginine has garnered particular attention for its possible heart benefits.
What Are Arginine's Heart Benefits?
In the body, the amino acid arginine changes into nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide is a powerful neurotransmitter that helps blood vessels relax and also improves circulation.
Some evidence shows that arginine may help improve blood flow in the arteries of the heart. That may improve symptoms of clogged arteries,chest pain or angina, and coronary artery disease. However, there currently is no data on how the long-term use of arginine affects cholesterol or heart health.
Since arginine may help arteries relax and improve blood flow, it may also help with erectile dysfunction.
There are other potential health benefits with arginine, such as possible reduction of blood pressure in some people and improved walking distance in patients with intermittent leg cramping and weakness known as intermittent claudication. However, the scientific studies are not conclusive enough for experts to make any firm recommendations.
Not all studies on arginine have been positive. A 2006 study showed that arginine was not helpful -- and may have been harmful -- for treating heart attacks in combination with standard treatment.
Is Arginine Supplementation Safe?
In clinical trials, arginine has been used safely with minor side effects for up to three months. Possible side effects include abdominal painand bloating, diarrhea, and gout. It may also cause a worsening of breathing in people with asthma.
Arginine may interact with certain medications that lower blood pressure. It may also interact with certain heart medications and drugs such as Viagra that treat erectile dysfunction.
Pregnant women and women who are nursing should not take supplements without first talking to their doctor.
How Much Arginine Is Needed Daily?
There is no recommended daily amount established for arginine because the human body normally makes enough.
I've got to tell you, this nutrient is right up there with my other favorite cardiac nutrients—coenzyme Q10 and L-carnitine.
The amazing benefits of l-arginine extend broadly for both cardiovascular and overall health, including:
· Lowering blood pressure;
· Reducing blood stickiness in patients with high cholesterol;
· Improving blood flow in those with significant coronary artery disease;
· Reducing symptoms associated with claudication (pain, usually in the extremities due to a lack of blood flow);
· Relieving congestive heart failure and improved stamina;
· Stabilizing angina;
· Improving the painful condition known as Raynaud's phenomenon (fingers become pale, occasionally turn blue in cold temperatures); and
· Reversing impotence.
And on the heart front, specifically, L-arginine seems to know where exactly it is needed most.
Benefits of L-Arginine:
Research has shown that in intravenous or supplement form, L-arginine supports the production of one of the good guys—endothelium-derived nitric oxide (EDNO).
EDNO is a potent substance that dilates blood vessels and allows more blood to course through them. It can even retard the development of heart disease, including hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), the most serious form of heart disease.
Atherosclerosis, of course,
· High LDL "bad"cholesterol and blood pressure,
· Cigarette smoking (makes blood thick and raises fibrinogen and homocysteine levels),
· Elevated levels of homocysteine, LP(a), fibrinogen and insulin.
Unfortunately, endothelial vasodilator dysfunction may be well established before symptoms like angina appear. Who's vulnerable to endothelial vasodilator dysfunction? All of us, but those with a history of heart disease are at greatest risk. Those folks must preserve vasodilator activity with L-arginine (by the way, there are no drugs that significantly raise EDNO activity).
Where Do You Find L-Arginine?
The typical American diet contains about 5 grams of L-arginine. That sounds good, but wait—most of it comes from red meat, which is full of saturated fat, petrochemicals, radiation and other harmful substances. Nuts, eggs, tofu, tuna and salmon are far better food sources.
Even then, you can't get what you need from your diet to prevent or reverse endothelial vasodilator dysfunction. To get the 6 to 9 grams daily, you'd have to eat an enormous amount of food each day—a half pound of tuna or 2.5 pounds of tofu.
Which means, if you have heart disease, you must consider taking supplements for the full benefits of L-arginine to help stop the disease’s progression and arrest its hold on you.
L-arginine comes in pill or tablet form. Again, aim for 6–9 grams a day....
Benefits of Calcium
Posted by MG.Silverstar Sibi Vinnarasan.B.Sc on 15:43 with 2 comments
Benefits of Calcium
Calcium-rich health benefits:
Calcium plays a major role in our bodies, strengthening bones and teeth, but this bone-building mineral is also significant in other areas of our health, including weight management and warding off PMS. Here are five health benefits of calcium that will inspire you to increase your calcium intake.
Calcium is a daily health requirement:
Cathy R. Kessenich, D.S.N., A.R.N.P., in a study on calcium-rich alternatives for supplements published in the Journal for Nurse Practitioners, says the human body cannot manufacture adequate amounts of calcium.
"Calcium is lost daily through hair, skin, nails, sweat, urine and feces. This lost calcium must be replaced, or the body will take calcium from the bones to perform other functions."
Adequate daily intake of calcium is crucial for your bones, as well as your overall health. How much do you need?
Aim for at least the daily Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of calcium:
Children (ages 1-3): 500 milligrams per day
Children (ages 4-8): 800 milligrams per day
Youth (ages 9-18): 1300 milligrams per day
Adults (ages 19-50): 1000 milligrams per day
Adults (ages 51 or older): 1200 milligrams per day
5 Health benefits of calcium:
1. Bone up on calcium to prevent osteoporosis:
You know it: Calcium is crucial for strong bones and teeth, and it is especially important for children and young adults to bone up on the mineral. Calcium absorption and bone development is at its peak up to age 20, and then decreases at around age 30 when a draining process begins.
An adequate intake of calcium, plus an appropriate intake of vitamin D, can significantly increase bone mass in both growing children and young adults, and it can decrease bone loss during aging.
2. Calcium will keep you slim and trim:
Over the past few years, calcium has been getting attention due to its slimming effects on the metabolism. In his book The ABS DIET for Women, Men's Health editor-in-chief David Zinczenko says, "It's about time for dairy to accept a break-out role as a vehicle for weight loss."
Research suggests that calcium may prevent weight gain because it PROMOTES more fat to be burned and less fat to be stored. Experts suggest three servings of dairy every day while also reducing calories in other areas of your diet to accommodate your increased dairy intake.
3. Kick PMS to the curb with calcium:
Dr. Susan Thys-Jacobs, the endocrinologist who created the PMS supplement Premcal, says, "If women don't ingest enough dietary calcium and vitamin D, the hormones that regulate calcium react negatively with estrogen and progesterone and trigger PMS symptoms." The expert on PMS recommends a daily intake of 1000 milligrams of calcium and 1000 to 2000 units of vitamin D.
Dietary sources of calcium:
Yogurt, plain, 8 ounces = 415 milligrams
Sardines, 3 ounces = 325 milligrams
Cheddar cheese, shredded, 1.5 ounces = 306 milligrams
Milk, 8 ounces = 300 milligrams
Orange juice with calcium, 8 ounces =300 milligrams
Sesame seeds, 1 ounce = 280 milligrams
Tofu, firm, prepared with nigari, 1/2 cup = 250 milligrams
Spinach, cooked, 1/2 cup = 145 milligrams
Salmon, bones included, 3 ounces =181 milligrams.
4. Calcium may combat cancer:
A healthy antioxidant-rich diet has been touted as a preventative of cancer, but research suggests that adequate calcium intake may also ward off colorectal, ovarian and breast cancers. More is not necessarily better, however, as some studies conclude that megadoses of calcium (through supplementation) may increase the risk of prostate cancer.
The National Cancer Institute does not recommend calcium supplementation as a means to prevent cancer, but it PROMOTES adequate calcium intake through dietary sources.
5. Calcium is heart - healthy - in moderation:
Emerging research supports an adequate calcium intake as a means to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and hypertension. Though 99 percent of the calcium in the body is in the bones and teeth, the remaining one percent plays a crucial role in other bodily functions, such as nerve transmission and muscular function.
The heart is a muscle and both the heart and blood vessels are innervated by the nervous system. A deficiency in calcium can cause heart problems, as well as high blood pressure. Warning: Too much calcium, upwards of 2,000 milligrams or more, has been linked with an increased risk of heart disease, so rely on calcium-rich food sources for heart health....
You and Your Body
Posted by MG.Silverstar Sibi Vinnarasan.B.Sc on 22:30 with 2 comments
You and Your Body
Your skin and health always responds to what is inside you and what is outside you. Even though the society is trying to curb the pollution and population, it is of the essence that we live in a city.

City life is easy going and there are so many amenities around, like lots of opportunities for getting good jobs, always available MARKET
place, medical facilities and various other factors. This city where you are living is also is polluted and tense. But you keep on compromising with these because of all the amenities and facilities.

Living in such polluted environment is like a torture on our bodies where the smoke is always belching from the vehicles on the roads, so much dust from the new constructions keeping on with the pace of the city, the noise pollution, the chaos. Are we able to take a time off or ourselves?? NO, since there is a huge competition everywhere and hence the work – life balance goes topsy-turvy.
Keeping ourselves away from all the pollutants has become impossible. We don’t even have time to exercise to detoxify our bodies. And all these have started taking a toll on you. Eating right and inhaling right is very important for your body, to keep it healthy and strong. To keep alive so that it can resist the impurities and toxins that you are eating and inhaling daily.
The FOOD YOU EAT: In times today when you have to juggle so many work together, the home, he office, the kids, the boss, the project, the 24 x 7 time schedule with no time for yourself, have you ever noticed what you are eating daily?

With NO TIME for breakfast, you wake up late in the morning, have a cup of coffee and rush for the in the last minute for the meeting that is scheduled. On the way you have a burger from the take away counter or a sandwich from the canteen and you are back to work. For the mid day meal again you are in the canteen for some junk food placed before you in a decorated platter, or as the Indian theme goes , for a thali with all the Indian ingredients which are full of salt, oil and spices. No doubt they are tasty. But have you ever wondered over their nutrition facts?
You have gone to the MARKET
and buy some nice vegetable and fruits. You bring them home and give it to your kids to eat. Sometimes you are also buying offseason fruits and vegetables. Never thought of checking how they are kept fresh for so long, even when they are not available in the season? They are treated with chemicals to keep them fresh so that it should have market value.

You are paying a nice money on these thinking that you are spending your hard EARNED MONEY
on unseasonal fruits. But actually you are paying for the chemicals and pesticides used on these. Even seasonal fruits and vegetables from the farm are full of pesticides and you are eating it. The point is you cannot save yourself from not eating these. You have to survive and you have to eat.

The DRINKS: After the hectic office work , you go out with your friends and hit the bar. You have two bottles of beer or a few pegs of wine and you relax. This is a daily routine. You think, a few pegs of scotch is not going to hurt you much and you are not drunk. You are a non-smoker? Ok.. That’s great but you are living around people who are smokers. Is that not true? After the office hours, during an office gossip, in the Bar, and similar surroundings and so you are a passive smoker now.
Research has established and passive smokers are more in danger and in the firing line for lung cancer than active smokers. Why? That is because you are inhaling the residue of the burning butts. This routine of drink and smoke is making you sick , very sick and you wonder why you keep on getting that nasty cold day in and out.
Even water had become polluted now and although you are using minerals water bottles, the filters and equipments to filter your drinking water daily, it is not always that you are going to get clear water all the time. The mineral water bottles available in the market are not always up to the standard with so many small companies coming up with packaged water daily.
Anyhow, on the way to some destination where you do not have any choice for better and cleaner water arrangement you have to buy those bottles. The plastic bottles are harmful and are carcinogenic themselves. These bottles kept in the small shops everywhere get treated with the heat and the sun rays in the scorching summers. The plastic of these bottle melt (and becomes softer; you will know I you have touched one) and mix with the water. You don’t have a choice. You buy, you drink and you drink the plastic along with it.
But can you avoid drinking water? No, you will have to drink it. It’s for your survival.
Your LIFESTYLE: The lifestyle you lead is also a great contributor to the diseases that inhibit your body and makes you old even before your age. Greying hairs, sagging face, wrinkles, pimples, age spots, hair falling, balding and along with it comes pains in the knees, pain in joints, obesity, crampings. All these are diseases which your grandparents never knew of till they were 60 or 70 ?
You don't have time to exercise, you reach office and gulp down mugs and mugs of coffee and tea.
You are into these diseases even before you have crossed 30. The junk food we eat and the carbonated drinks add to the .... of the body. Our blood which cleans our internal organs automatically is bombarded with these kinds of food and junk material which it is not used to.

The more your blog gets polluted the more you have the diseases attacking you in every way.
Take CARE: The proverb "Time and Tide waits for none" and "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction" are apt for our lifestyle and taking care of your body. YOU are RESPONSIBLE on HOW your BODY reacts. You feel the taste through your taste buds and your body reacts in an equal and opposite way by going obese and bald.

Life is short and to keep it longer YOU need to take care of it in proper time. So that you don't have to go through the rigorous pain and suffering your relatives or your peers are going through.
VESTIGE has brought for you products which will help your body restore the vitality and health and vigour back and help you to maintain good health.....
Posted by MG.Silverstar Sibi Vinnarasan.B.Sc on 22:12 with 4 comments
For your joint pains

Personal experience:
People taking Vestige Glucosamine has reported good results from arthritis pain and healing of osteoporosis in the long run.
Glucosamine is a natural compound that is found in healthy cartilage. Glucosamine sulfate is a normal constituent of glycosaminoglycans in cartilage matrix and synovial fluid.
Available evidence from randomized controlled trials supports the use of glucosamine sulfate in the treatment of osteoarthritis, particularly of the knee. It is believed that the sulfate moiety provides clinical benefit in the synovial fluid by strengthening cartilage and aiding glycosaminoglycan synthesis. If this hypothesis is confirmed, it would mean that only the glucosamine sulfate form is effective and non-sulfated glucosamine forms are not effective.
Glucosamine is commonly taken in combination with chondroitin, a glycosaminoglycan derived from articular cartilage. Use of complementary therapies, including glucosamine, is common in patients with osteoarthritis, and may allow for reduced doses of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents.
Glucosamine sulfate is a naturally occurring compound in the body found in the fluid around the joints, and it’s responsible for helping to support and sustain the health of tendons, cartilage and ligaments. Proper joint health results in better joint elasticity and flexibility, as well as joint mobility and support.
All Nature Made TripleFlex products contain glucosamine and chondroitin, to work together to help support joint comfort and promote long term joint health.

Glucosamine is a natural chemical compound found in the body. As a supplement, glucosamine is most often used to try to ease the joint pain caused by arthritis.
Why do people take glucosamine?
Glucosamine helps keep the cartilage in joints healthy. But natural glucosamine levels drop as people age. This can lead to gradual deterioration of the joint.

There's some evidence that glucosamine sulfate supplements help counteract this effect, although experts aren’t sure exactly how they work. Specifically, glucosamine has been shown in some studies to help ease the pain of mild to moderate osteoarthritis of the knee. Glucosamine may also help with other joint pain caused by osteoarthritis.
Glucosamine has also been used to try and treat rheumatoid arthritis and other conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease, asthma, allergies, chronic venous insufficiency, sports injuries, temporomandibular joint problems (TMJ), chronic low back pain, and many others. So far, these uses of glucosamine are not well supported by evidence from research studies.

How much glucosamine should you take?
For osteoarthritis, the typical dose of glucosamine used in most studies was 500 milligrams of glucosamine sulfate taken three times a day. Ask your doctor about specific dosing. Some experts recommend taking glucosamine with meals to prevent stomach upset.
Can you get glucosamine naturally from foods?
Although glucosamine sulfate supplements are often manufactured from the outer shells of shellfish, there aren't any natural food sources of glucosamine.
What are the risks of taking glucosamine?
· Side effects from glucosamine are generally mild.Studies have found that the side effects from standard doses of glucosamine aren't different from those of a placebo. At higher doses, side effects may be more likely. Side effects include upset stomach, HEARTBURN
, drowsiness, and headache. The level of glucosamine that would cause an overdose is unknown. On the whole, glucosamine seems to be a fairly safe supplement.

· Risks. People with allergies to shellfish should be wary of using glucosamine, since it could cause an allergic reaction. Those who have diabetes, KIDNEY DISEASE
, heart disease, bleeding disorders, or high blood pressure should check with a doctor before using glucosamine.

· Interactions. People taking other medicines including heart medicines, insulin, blood thinners, and diuretics should check with their doctors before taking glucosamine.
Given the lack of evidence about its safety, glucosamine is not recommended for children or for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
The most common type of glucosamine supplement on the MARKET
is glucosamine sulfate. See the links below for in-depth information on glucosamine sulfate.

Glucosamine is a dietary supplement distributed as a salt; commonly, but not limited to, glucosamine HCl, glucosamine sulfate potassium, and glucosamine sulfate sodium. More common now is Glucosamine and Chondroitin, coupled with anti-oxidants.

Glucosamine aids in the formation of connective tissue including collagen and cartilage; consisting of glycosaminoglycans (mucopolysaccharides) & proteoglycans. It is an effective supplement which is made more powerful when consumed with Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM).....
Posted by MG.Silverstar Sibi Vinnarasan.B.Sc on 21:46 with 5 comments
Vestige Detox Foot Patches works on the principles of reflexology, which is based on the concept that areas on the foot correspond to other areas of the body, and that manipulating these improve health. They are 100% natural,

Benefits of Vestige Detox foot patch:
· Works on the principles of foot reflexology
· Removes toxins from our body
· Improves our immune system
· Promotes better health & longevity
Foot Reflexology:
Foot Reflexology encourages the body to work naturally to restores its own healthy balance. A toxic body simply cannot maintain the normal cleansing performance required to maintain optimal health. Overtime, if these toxins are not removed, they may lead to various debilitating and chronic health conditions.
However, once the various body components that may have been adversely affected by the toxins are cleansed, the body makes its natural adjustments to return to its original state of health. Also, as the body releases these toxins, the negative health symptoms that may have been caused by the toxic overload usually start to recede and may even disappear altogether.
Vestige Detox Foot Patch may help revitalize the body, enhance blood circulation, strengthen the immune system, improve quality of sleep and promote better health and longevity. By placing the Detox Foot Patches on the soles of the feet before bedtime, they will unleash the toxins from the body during sleep.Three hours after applying Vestige Detox Foot Patch, the blood circulates to the previously cold foot and the temperature of the foot rises.

Vestige Detox Foot Patch:
· Simply apply a Detox Patch to the soles of your feet, before going to bed.
· You will see a significant change in the smell & colour of the patch in the morning.
· This will show the amount and degree of toxins extracted from the body.
Using these foot patches are very easy and the patches are made from the powder of herbal products.
After using these patches regularly you will feel very rejuvenated and light.
I suggest using these twice a week for persons who are healthy.
Aged persons may use these foot patches once in two weeks.....
Benefits Of Amla Capsules
Posted by MG.Silverstar Sibi Vinnarasan.B.Sc on 11:00 with No comments
Benefits Of Amla Capsules
Health Benefits Of Amla:
1. Cures Sore Throat and Cold:
Amla helps to cure sore throat and cold. For this, mix 2 teaspoons of amla powder with 2 teaspoons of honey. Have it 3-4 times in a day for effective results.
2. Rich Source of Vitamin C:
A great source of vitamin C, consume raw amla daily instead of vitamin C supplements as it is not easily absorbed by the body.
3. Reduces Constipation:
Daily consumption of raw amla reduces constipation problem, as it rich in fibres and acts as a gentle laxative. But remember to consume raw amla as powder as juice will not help in this case.
4. Heals Mouth Ulcers:
Suffering from mouth ulcers frequently? Then amla juice is the best solution for your problem. Dilute the amla juice in half a cup of water. Gargle with this mixture daily for best results.
5. Heals Arthritis Condition:
Do you know that amla benefits in reducing arthritis pain? It has anti-inflammatory properties which help in reducing the swelling and joint pain of knees caused due to arthritis. Have raw amla or amla juice daily in the morning.
6. Cures Sleeping Disorder:
Can’t have a peaceful sleep? Then try this “wonder fruit” to relieve stress and therefore cure sleep disorders like insomnia.
7. Improves Eyesight:
Amla is very useful in IMPROVING EYESIGHT
. It also reduces reddening, itching and watering. Mix 2 teaspoons of amla juice in half a cup of water and drink it every morning.

8. Removes Toxins from the Body:
Consumption of alcohol, pain killers, medicines etc regularly increases the build up of large amount of toxins in our body. Amla helps in maintaining the proper functioning of liver and bladder, and get rid of toxins. Have amla juice on an empty stomach every morning.
9. Regulates Acid Levels in the Stomach:
Regular consumption of amla is very good for your stomach, as it balances the acids levels of stomach and thus improving digestion.
10. Fights Off Free Radicals:
Amla is the powerhouse of anti-oxidants and thus helps in fighting off free radicals in your body. Daily consumption of raw amla or juice reduces the risk of many serious diseases including cancer.
11. Improves Metabolism:
Are you a fitness enthusiast?? Then make amla your best friend as it helps in increasing your protein metabolism. If you have a high metabolism, then you LOSE WEIGHT FASTER
. Therefore those who want to lose weight, have an amla daily to increase your metabolism.

12. Strengthens Respiratory and Central Nervous System:
Amla strengthens the lungs, the respiratory system and the central nervous system of your body.
13. Boosts Immunity:
Daily consumption of an amla boosts your immunity due to its high concentration of vitamin C.
Medicinal Uses Of Amla:
1. Improves Haemoglobin and Purifies Blood:
Amla increases the haemoglobin level in blood, the RBC (red blood cells) count and purifies blood.
2. Maintains Cholesterol Levels:
Suffering from high cholesterol and looking for natural alternatives? High cholesterol levels increases the probability of heart attack and stroke. It builds up and deposits on the walls of the arteries, thus clogging them completely. For this, have 500 mg of amla powder daily with a glass of water before going to sleep. It is known to
· Reduce LDL (bad cholesterol), VLDL and triglycerides level by over 40%.
· Increase the level of HDL (good cholesterol) significantly.
3. Reduces the Risk of Gall Bladder Formation:
Amla reduces the risk of gall stone formation in the gall bladder.
· When there is excess cholesterol in the bile, gall stones are formed.
· Amla helps in reducing them as it contains vitamin C, which converts the cholesterol into bile acid in the liver.
· Therefore include amla in your daily DIET TO
cut down the risk of gall bladder stones.

4. Cures Infections and Ulcers:
It helps cure infections, ulcers and reduces fever due to its anti bacterial, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties.
5. Prevents Scurvy and Jaundice Outbreak:
Drinking amla juice early in the morning on an empty stomach is a natural tonic to prevent scurvy and jaundice.
6. Cures Diabetes:
Diabetes or high blood sugar is the most common and prevalent disease in the world today.
· You would be surprised to know that India has the most number of type 2 diabetic patients in the world. Thus they have become hugely dependent on insulin or dialysis.
· The “wonder fruit” is well known to cure diabetes naturally.
· Amla is rich in chromium which regulates the carbohydrate metabolism and makes the body more responsive to insulin, which reduces the blood glucose levels.
· Mix 2-3 teaspoons of amla powder or juice in a glass of water and consume daily.
7. Reduces ill Effects of Cigarette Smoke:
Studies have shown that intake of amla juice regularly reduces ill effects of the cigarette smoke in the lungs. Due to its high anti-oxidant contents, it fights off free radicals liberated from the smoke.
Skin Benefits Of Amla:
1. Delays Pre - Mature Ageing:
Due to the high concentration of anti-oxidants, Amla helps to reduce the effects of pre mature ageing, wrinkles and fine lines.
2. Reduces Facial Lines:
It tightens and tones the skin and thus reduces facial lines.
3. Exfoliates Skin:
Amla is a natural exfoliater as it helps in removing the dead cells and soothes the skin due to astringent properties.
4. Gives Soft and Supple Skin:
High content of vitamin C boosts the collagen cell production, giving you soft, supple and youthful skin.
5. Works on All Skin Types:
It can be used on every skin type without any reaction or irritation.
6. Reduces Pigmentation:
Amla is known to reduce pigmentation. With regular use, it brightens dull and dry skin.
Following are the few face packs and scrubs made using amla:
1. Amla Scrub:
· Take 1 teaspoon of fresh tamarind paste.
· To this, add 1 teaspoon of amla powder and mix well.
· Apply all over the face and scrub gently in circular motion.
· Rinse off after 10 minutes with warm water.
2. Amla and Avocado Pack:
This face pack is suitable for dry to normal skin people. Avocado is well known for its moisturizing and hydrating properties.
· Mix 1 teaspoon of amla powder in water to form a smooth paste.
· Add 2 teaspoons of avocado pulp into it and mix well to form a paste.
· Apply and leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
3. Amla Facial:
This facial can be done twice a week and it instantly gives you a refreshing feeling. It is suitable for every skin type.
· Take 2 teaspoons of yogurt in a bowl.
· In this, add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of the amla paste and mix well.
· Apply and leave it for 20 minutes to get clean and smooth face.
4. Skin Brightening Mask:
This face pack gives you an instant brightening effect by reducing the pigmentation and dark spots. Papaya is known for its SKIN BRIGHTENING
properties due to its “papain” enzymes.

· Mash a few pieces of papaya in a bowl.
· In this, add a teaspoon of the amla paste and ½ teaspoon of honey.
· Mix well to get a smooth consistency.
· Apply and leave it for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and pat dry.
5. Amla and Tea Pack:
This face pack is helpful for relieving any skin disorder. It also helps to reduce the signs of ageing like wrinkles, fine lines and dark spots.
· Boil and strain the tea leaves and let it cool down.
· In the amla paste, add 2 teaspoons of the tea water and 1 teaspoon of honey and mix well.
· Keep for several minutes after applying and wash with warm water.
6. Fresh Amla Pack:
· You can boil a few pieces of amla in water and use the water to rinse your face everyday in the morning.
· This water can be stored and used as an astringent.
· You can also apply the boiled amla pieces directly on the skin everyday.
Hair Benefits Of Amla:
You must have seen and used various amla based hair oils, shampoos and conditioners. By now you surely must have realised why amla is so popular.
1. Cures Hair Loss:
Amla OIL
is being used since ancient times for hair growth and as a cure for HAIR LOSS

2. Offers Luster to Dry & Dull Hair:
Amla powder used in hair packs strengthens the hair root and provides the lustre to dry and dull hair.
3. Controls Pre - Mature Hair Greying:
It is been used from centuries to control pre mature greying of the hair.
4. Treats Lice and Dandruff:
Amla oil is also an effective treatment for lice and dandruff.
5. Enhances Natural Hair Colour:
When used with henna powder, it helps in enhancing the natural hair colour.
Listed below are a few hair packs using amla:
1. Amla Oil Massage:
Massage your scalp at least once a week with amla oil, as it helps to increase the blood circulation in the scalp. It reduces dandruff by clearing away flakes from the scalp. It makes hair softer, silkier, smoother and bouncy. Regular hair massage with amla oil prevents pre mature ageing of the hair. You can warm the oil slightly and massage onto the scalp. You can also keep it overnight for hair conditioning.
2. Strengthening Pack:
· Mix 2 teaspoons of amla powder into warm water and form a smooth paste.
· In this, add 2 teaspoons of yogurt and 1 teaspoon of honey.
· Mix to get a smooth consistency and apply on the hair strands and roots.
· Rinse with warm water, after 30 minutes.
3. Anti Dandruff Pack:
This hair pack helps to remove dandruff flakes, cure rashes and hair fall problems. It also adds natural colour to the hair.
· Take 2 teaspoons of amla powder and shikakai powder in a bowl.
· Make a paste by adding the required amount of curd.
· Apply this paste over your hair and keep for 15 minutes.
· Rinse off with cool water and wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
4. Herbal Shampoo:
This is a popular home remedy for soft and shiny hair. This herbal shampoo gives an instant lift to your hair and makes it smooth to touch.
· Soak equal quantities of dried amla, shikakai and reetha in water overnight.
· Rub them together to get a soapy solution.
· Use this soapy solution to wash your hair. You can also use your conditioner after this hair wash.
After reading the various benefits and uses of Amla, you will surely agree why Amla is known as the “Wonder fruit”. Include Amla in your daily DIET
, hair packs or skin packs to make the most of it. Do share your experience with us in the comments section below....

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